Rank your site

And do good to the planet

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Our tools

We are rethinking how a directory should be.

Types of content

You can rank a website, a video, a youtube channel, an article, or even a tweet !


Effective customization

You can choose between different styles, customize your thumbnail and tags to stand out from the crowd !



Tracks your views and clicks per week and per keyword, see which keywords work best for you and how to optimize your SEO !

The purpose

Adding your site allows you to improve your ranking and at the same time contribute to various environmental protection organizations working on sustainable development and alternative solutions.

Discover the concept

Get all details about the project, tools and income redistribution policy.


Helping ECO projects & NGO

Our goal is to help any project aiming to protect our beautiful planet


A directory

Because people can make the difference simply by searching the web.


Your preferences

You choose which type of organization you want to contribute to. One click is enough, we take care of the rest !