It can’t be healthy eating fast food all the time. 「いつもファーストフードばかり食べるのは健康なはずがない」 形式主語 it で始まり、「eating fast food all the time」が真主語(実質上の主語)となる動名詞 eating を使った構文です。
Daily Newsは、DMM英会話が提供する学習教材です。個人利用の場合は無料で全てのコンテンツをご利用いただけますが、DMM英会話会員になると、これらの教材に精通したプロの講師と学習することができます。
For fast food we don't need good cookers any more, for we just need some cold machines and inexperienced amateurs.Second, fast food is high of fat, and it is always destroying the eaters' health. In Hollywood, it was shown in a documentary how a normal person became a fleshy one in such a short time dramatically by just eating fast food every day.
You are a fast food takeaway and have a thriving business. However, the local council has been complaining to you recently about the amount of litter on the streets near your premises. You have provided some industrial type street bins for your customers. You say to your customers:"Please place your rubbish in the bins provided!"
The type of ice cream that they use is softer than traditional cream based ice cream. This is called soft serve. If you just ask for ice cream there, you will get soft serve. At most other fast food restaurants they only have soft serve, however, if you go to an actual ice cream parlour then you will have to ask for soft serve by name.
Takeaways are very convenient as you can simply drive through a fast food restaurant or sometimes even call the restaurant to prepare your food ahead of time for you to pick it up. These meals are usually called 'takeaways' as you would take it away from the restaurant to eat somewhere else. Example: Waitron: Hello, what would you like to order?
A food market stall A food stall. 小さなオープンカウンターでものを販売するための部分的に囲まれた構造です。 例文 food stalls. 屋台 a souvenir stall. お土産物屋 a market stall. 市場の屋台 She set up a stall selling food in the marketplace スーパーに食べ物を売る屋台を設置しました。
(水を飲むことが健康にいい理由は三つあります) Here are three reasons why eating fast food is not good for your health. (ファーストフードが健康に良くない理由は三つあります) あるテーマについてディスカッションしていて、三つの理由を示したい場合は: 例: The software trial was not successful.
英语的1~12月的缩写是什么?英语的1~12月的缩写是:1、Jan. January 一月;2、Feb. February 二月;3、Mar. March 三月;4、Apr. April 四月;5、May无缩写 五月;6、Jun. June 六月;7、Jul. July 七月;8、Aug. Au