When something is countable but less than one unit, would you use the singular or plural form? For example, 0.5 unit or 0.5 units? When it's not a integer, would you say 1.5 units or 1.5 unit? Thank you!
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Yes I take two: one is a daily pill and the other is a weekly injection. Now, to 'take tea' means refers to an occasion where people are drinking tea and having/eating cakes and delicious savoury titbits. It doesn't necessarily refer to actually consuming the drink tea. We could use 'having' tea the same way as we 'have' lunch and other meals.
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肌肉注射英文intramuscular injection,缩写为IM。 静脉注射 英文intravenous injection,缩写为IV。 各种注射方法可简写成:皮下注射为H或(皮下),皮内注射为ID或(皮内),肌肉注射为im、IM或(肌注),静脉注射写成IV或(静注),静脉输液写作或VD也可写(静滴)。
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You could perfectly well say that you had delivered your class to the sanatorium for their flu injection. The normal modest practical way of saying that you teach a class is to take a class. I can't comment on American English, Klar. ps.
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Suppose a person has had an allergy shot and a sign says"Please wait 10 minutes after your injection before leaving the clinic." A person providing transportation for the first person may very well ask"How long have you waited?".
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