"under the water"To be 'under the water' or having your 'head underwater' means your feeling emotionally drowned or 'in over your head'. So for example:"your love makes feel like my heads under water" -meaning that you are overwhelmed by the emotions or 'suffocating'... Sorry that was long to explain|The expression under the water is used to describe financial loss, such as when an investor ...
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Network assisted Power Savings:网络辅助节能,帮助终端设备睡眠更长时间,比如,手机等设备通过每隔一段时间跟AP通讯一次来确保跟AP没有断开 Network assisted Roaming : 网络辅助漫游 ,允许WLAN发送信息给终端,来确保终端能连接更好的AP。
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把pingpong银行账户复制到 Pago 里面 ,如下图选择银行和支票支付(国外支付款一般为Checking或者Savings,Checking 为支票户,大部分平台基本用支票付款;Savings 为储蓄户,现金支付,国内平台通常用Savings )。
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