Most G code generation software allows you to add start code to your G code file. A good method is to set the end stop somewhere near, then modify the zero position in software (you do a slight move in Z and reset the datum).
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I have attached the files you need. Put the"Write.Scad" file and all the DXF files in the same folder as the SCAD file you are using.
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I'm still relatively new to all of this. Now I've got my Mendel 90 running I want to download things off Thingiverse to test print. I press download expecting to get an stil file but end up in the Type column getting something called"Certified Trust List" can anyone tell me what this is please Ste
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I'm having to completely re-learn all programs. What is the best free application for taking items of thingiverse. Stl, etc. So I can scale and print out on multiple sheets and put all those printed sheets of paper together to make one large picture of laser cutable or cnc cut able that is to actual scale.
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Pour recherche sur thingiverse rapidement, google est ton ami Dans la barre de recherche tu mets" letrucqueturecherches" .... Ca permet de chercher avec google les pièces sur le site thingiverse. Tu peux aussi cliquer sur l'onglet"image". Vu la lenteur et les bugs de thingiverse je recherche uniquement comme ça !
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Pour les impressions 3D, il y a des sites tels que Thingiverse, Cults3D et Etsy déjà bien connus. Pour la découpe laser, c'est moins bien référencé. Voici quelques sites à connaitre.
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Hello all. What software is free and easy to use for rotating or scaling an STL from thingiverse. Looking at: [] Thanks all.
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Thingiverse is not perfect, and yes it is run by a for-profit, but what specifically about it is so terrible? There are also a lot of existing alternatives, and they all have good points and bad points: GrabCad, ShapeWays, heck even Pirate Bay has a section for things now. I'm sure there are many others. What is happening with Tangible Bytes?
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Retrouvez les sociétés, organismes et sites web en rapport avec le domaine de l'impression 3D dans cette annuaire dédié à la révolution industrielle.
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Pour les modèles, pour les mettre partout (mais alors c'est du travail si il faut faire une modif car il faudra la faire partout), c'est d'uploder sur Thingiverse car MakerWorld permet d'importer depuis un compte Thingiverse et Printables. Printables permet d'importer depuis un compte Thingiverse.
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