Information about tourism, culture, going out, hotels, and opportunities in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area for businesses, students and international newcomers.
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The city council determines the general policies of the City of Amsterdam and monitors if the municipal executive is properly implementing municipal policy. The council has 45 members. The mayor is the chairperson.
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1000 CE Amsterdam Processed within a week Your move will be appear on MijnOverheid (your personal website for your dealings with the Dutch authorities) within a week after your departure.
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The City of Amsterdam's position and policy in broad terms on themes such as Sustainability, Airbnb and Traffic and transport.
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To do in Amsterdam. Information about tourism, hotels, cultural events and going out on
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Information about the travel clinic of the public health service of Amsterdam (GGD Amsterdam)
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Amsterdam has a low emission zone for diesel vehicles and older mopeds and motorised bikes, and will introduce a zero emission zone from 2025.
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Ever since the 17th century, Amsterdam has been a refuge for people fleeing persecution for their faith or beliefs. The resulting mix of cultures has shaped and enriched our city over the centuries. This diversity is clearly visible in Amsterdam’s unique culture and spirit of commerce.
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In 2040, Amsterdam will no longer use natural gas and we aim for all traffic to be emission-free as early as 2030. The municipal organisation will also be climate neutral by 2030. The plan of action for reaching these goals is detailed in the Roadmap Amsterdam Climate Neutral 2050.
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You need a permit to rent out your home or houseboat to tourists in Amsterdam. You pay for the permit when you apply and you will receive it within one hour. You are not permitted to offer bed & breakfast at a holiday rental address.
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