Using ' quasa ' to pick out this sense of ' qua ', Aquinas thus accepts the following definition of ' quasa: (B) x quasa y is F = y is a part of x, and y is F. ' Quasa ' is thus as Aquinas presents it a sign of synecdoche. It qualifies the subject by modifying the reference of the subject term.
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You think is my opinion that northamerican is just USa citizen. Well you should get a trip to anywhere in let's say from México to Antártica and you'll understand my point. Is like when you say European and commonly you're never including the turks.
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U.S. citizen is different either because it predates American citizen or it means something different. e.g., it's shorthand for the legal term"citizen of the United States" (see below). Also, United States doesn't have a corresponding preposed adjectival demonym, but China does.
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OED has a note on citizen: The semantic development has been influenced by classical Latin cīvis (see civic adj.) It seems like the semantic drift in citizen, civilian, civic, etc. from"city-dweller" to one with legal rights within any governed community involves both legal and military history.
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A citizen of the United States is a legal resident who has been processed by the government as being a member of the United States. A denizen of the United States is simply someone that lives there. Technically speaking, one could never be, for example, a citizen of the Earth -- but we're all denizens of the Earth.
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Sticks is another potential"outside of the city" word: 'The sticks' is a humorous way of referring to a place in the country. (Definitions from Cambridge) There are other words such as"countrymen" which mean people from rural areas and may not include suburbanites and townsfolk. Share.
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A citizen or native of Afghanistan. From an Afghan point of view this name is wrongly being used for Afghans. After the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan millions of Afghans took refuge in neighboring Pakistan. The Pakistanis and the international aid agencies coined this word to speak of Pakistanis versus the Afghans 2.
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Analyze does have the -ize/-ise suffix, just a different spelling. From the OED:"On Greek analogies the vb. would have been analysize, Fr. analysiser, of which analyser was practically a shortened form, since, though following the analogy of pairs like annexe, annexe-r, it rested chiefly on the fact that by form-assoc. it appeared already to belong to the series of factitive vbs. in -iser ...
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The country of which I am a citizen is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Great Britain is the largest of the British Isles and is home to England, Scotland and Wales. I was born in England and, apart from several extended periods abroad, have lived my life in England. That makes me ethnically English and politically British.
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USA."American" covers a lot more ground - Mexicans and Canadians are Americans, and some of them object strenuously to equating"American" to"citizen of the USA". Not to mention Brazilians, Ecuadoreans, etc., all of whom are Americans. Plus, as a legal matter, the name of the country is not"America".
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