Merci beaucoup. Une idée pour l'ééquivalent du PSC1 (prévention secours civiques classe 1) anciennement AFPS (attestation de formation aux premiers secours) ? --> c'est le premier ("plus bas") diplôme que le grand public peut passer à la Croix rouge.
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MCO is a term that crops up in IT security. Below is a Wikipedia definition of the term in French:"Le maintien en condition opérationnelle (abrégé MCO) est l'ensemble des mesures prises pour garantir que la bascule vers un environnement dégradé n'entraîne pas une altération inacceptable des conditions de travail habituelles.
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Other transactions shown are just salary payments received and account subscription fees. I imagine that"Tot" is probably short for"Total" and"Dif" could be something to do with difference or deferral. It might also have something to do with Droit Individuel à la Formation but I'm not sure why the individual would be paying for that. Perhaps:
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Sep 14, 2017. #13. it's quite easy to understand: all the adverbs that end in -LY make their comparative using the word"more". e.g. slow - slowly - more slowly; quiet - quietly - more quietly. In spite of this, the monosyllabic adverbs like hard or fast make their comparative adding -er. I hope it helped!
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Senior Member. Hyphenation is variable in English. There is, in general, no single correct version of a word, if hyphenation is a possibility. With the prefix 'non', typically AmE fuses it (writes it as a single word with the next part), and BrE hyphenates it, but that's just a tendency. (A few words, like 'nonsense', are always fused.)
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Jan 31, 2012. #10. ThirdWorldClown said: I'm convinced about/on/of the importance of the formation in social values. To answer your original question, I would say you need either"I'm convinced of the importance of ..." or, less probably,"I'm convinced about the importance of ..." ("Formation" is a false friend, I'm afraid: you need either ...
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Member. French. Feb 19, 2010. #12. the CPE is not simply in charge of 'discipline only, absentees so forth' -that was the part played by the Surveillant Général- CPEs also guide and advise children as far as their well-being in collèges is concerned, deal with pupils 's personal troubles and conflicts with pairs or with teachers.
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I've got a task on word formation and would like to know how to form another part of speech (I guess it must be a noun) from the word"count". I have to change the word in the brackets. So, for women who enjoyd the Leonardo DiCaprio / Kate Winslet love story - watch the whole thing, but call in their second halves only when the scene (COUNT) gets to 16, the one called 'Iceberg, right ahead' on ...
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Apr 24, 2008. #1. Bonjour, je cherche un nom pour désigner les personnes qui se forment, qui entreprennent activement un processus de formation, quand il s'agit d'adultes et non d'enfants ou de jeunes, et que le contexte n'est pas universitaire. Je voudrais donc éviter"élèves" et"étudiants", y a-t-il d'autres possibilités ?
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Bonjour, En France, les étudiants en écoles d'ingénieurs doivent généralement réaliser un"projet de fin d'étude" pendant les 6 derniers mois de leur formation. C'est un stage en partenariat avec une entreprise. Est ce que quelqu'un connaitrait l'équivalent anglais s'il vous plait ? J'ai pensé...
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