Perimeter: 1.The security guards patrolled the perimeter of the building to ensure there were no unauthorized entrances. 2.The police set up barriers along the perimeter of the crime scene to keep the public away. 3.The fence was built around the perimeter of the garden to keep out rabbits and other animals. Vicinity:
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@Crabbie1990 I would like to add... As I was only copied (cc copy) on this email, I would like to add.../I would like to lend my expertise.../I would respectfully disagree... I don’t know what you would like to interject so those are different points of view.
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In diesem Perimeter kann attraktives, urbanes Leben entstehen, weil vieles in 10 Gehminuten erreicht werden kann. Wohnen, Arbeiten, Einkaufen und Freizeit. In dieser Dichte hat es genügend Laufkundschaft, und das ist überlebenswichtig für Läden, Restaurants und andere Anbieter.
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perimeter 和 around 和有什么不一样? 相同关键字的提问 perimeter ,circumference, isosceles triangle , scalene ,equilateral they are pronounced by ...
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A: Perimeter refers to the outer boundary or the edge of an area or object, while vicinity refers to the nearby area or the region around a particular place. Here are example sentences to illustrate the difference: Perimeter: 1.The security guards patrolled the perimeter of the building to ensure there were no unauthorized entrances.
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perimeterCircumference is the outside edge of something that is curved, e.g."The circumference of a circle" Perimeter is the outside edge of a closed shape that isn't curved e.g."The perimeter of the square.""The room's perimeter." |@sidney: happy to help!! 😊的同义词
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der beiden Antennengruppen mindestens eine Sendeantenne im Perimeter der anderen Antennengruppe befindet (Abs. 3). Für die Berechnung des Perimeters einer Antennengruppe ist auf Abs. 4 zu verweisen. 3.2. Anpassung durch den Bundesrat (in Kraft seit 1. Juni 2019) 15 Die NISV ist technologieneutral und gilt damit unabhängig davon, ob es sich ...
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