Steps to perform: Open PuTTY Key Generator. Load your private key (*.ppk file). Copy your public key data from the"Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file" section of the PuTTY Key Generator and paste the key data to the"authorized_keys" file (using notepad) if you want to use it. Snapshot showing portions of Puttygen to focus:
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Export the Putty PPK to OpenSSH format. To do this, open PuttyGen, Load the private key, and then go to the"Conversions" menu and choose"Export OpenSSH Key". Using the OpenSSH key on Ubuntu (or derivatives) If you are using it for SSH directly, you can use it as Adonis mentioned.
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34. This key is generated by PuTTYgen software. To use it in linux you should start PuTTYgen, load the key (File->Load private key) and then export it as OpenSSH key ( Conversions->Export OpenSSH key) Share. Improve this answer.
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generate a key pair with puttygen.exe (length: 1024 bits) load the private key in the PuTTY profile. enter the public key in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys in one line (ssh-rsa {your_public_key} with no more than once space between ssh-rsa and your key) chmod 700 ~/.ssh. chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.
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1. @MadHatter: Private key files tend to have enough info in them to recreate the public key. (OpenSSH files do, at least, and it'd seem Putty's PPK files do too.) While you can't take the actual key and derive the public key from it, if you have the key file, it apparently contains the private key plus the numbers used to generate both keys.
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The command for doing that is: ssh-keygen -i -f puttygen_key > openssh_key. then you can copy the contents of openssh_key in to .ssh/authorized_keys just as with a normal SSH key. The -i option is the one that tells ssh-keygen to do the conversion. The -f option tells it where to find the key to convert.
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In order to convert the new v3 ppk file to pem, you need to use puttygen 0.75 or newer. At the time of writing this, v0.73 is the latest you can get using apt, but you can download and build the newest version of puttygen from source. This answer on SuperUser explains how to do this for v0.76 for instance: If putty is installed, uninstall it
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puttygen understands openssh keys, not SSL keys. You need to generate an ssh key pair using ssh-keygen(1), then puttygen will convert the private key into its .ppk format. Share
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1. Generate a keypair and store the public key on the server as suggested by @Zoredache. Enter a password for protecting the private key and click Save private key and save the key e.g. in your user profile. Remove permission for everyone except yourself from the key file. To be able to authenticate with your private key, you need to make it ...
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To change or set a passphrase on an SSH key under PuTTY, do the following: Run the puttygen.exe program. Click on the"Load" button. Select the private key file that you want to put a passphrase on. Enter the new desired passphrase in the"Key passphrase" and"Confirm Passphrase" fields. Click on the"Save private key" button.
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