Current rocket technologies struggle to able to deliver payloads anywhere close to the mass of fuel needed for the trip; more usually much, much less. Without exceptionally high efficiency rockets it just won't work to bring fuel from anywhere else than at or near where your base of operations is - the moon if your operation is on the moon, Mars if it is on Mars, the asteroid if you are an ...
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Why not move the ISS to the moon instead of crashing it to the earth. ISS can be used for an emergency center for astronauts as well as a remote location for moon studies Do the same with hubble telescope when it is time to retire it. With Hubble soft landed on the moon, it can easily function...
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The rocket would use fuel as needed to lift the payload, but not be lifting essentially any rocket fuel. Real problems 1) Feedtubes that can withstand all that vertical fed pressure. [seqenced valves?] 2) Feedtubes that are strong enough to carry the miles of their own & the fuels's weight. 3) Some kind of geosynched orbital body to operate from
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A rocket engine of your choice; 2. Create the rocket’s body tube. You can use software to design your own rocket, or you can use the dimensions given in this guide. Either way, you’ll likely want to make modifications after your first few launches. Lay one of your manila folders out flat and cut off the side tabs.
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Seeking answers about space? Join the Space community: the premier source of space exploration, innovation, and astronomy news, chronicling (and...
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2. Mix your rocket fuel. Now comes the fun (and dangerous) part. You’ll need potassium nitrate (KNO3) and powdered sugar. Potassium nitrate can be ordered online or found as stump remover at home improvement stores. Take a plastic container and add in 14 grams of potassium nitrate. Next, add 7 grams of powdered sugar.
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CH4 is cheap, a passive cooling gas where the system is enough to store in liquid form, significantly denser than Hydrogen, storable for a more extended period, does not leak, does not require insulation on the fuel tank, and the rocket design is less complex compared to Hydrogen-powered rocket.
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For example, you want to launch matter into low orbit. Then you take a booster rocket to lift 1 kg to that height. And scale it according to the decrease in load. But, most likely, the difference in the lift of 1 kg and 1 g will be too small for the weight of the rocket to be significantly reduced. There is a Skylark Nano rocket for lifting up ...
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Kerbal Space Program is an extremely popular and entertaining game that allows you to manage your own space program and fly ships, all from your computer. The base game is excellent on its own, but you can always customize it to your liking with mods, or modifications. Here’s how to install mods...
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SpaceX launches 1st Falcon 9 rocket of 2025, sends Thuraya 4 communications satellite to orbit (video) Admin;
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