hspice speed up simulation Besides fast options, autostop can help you as well. In addition, increase step for transient, AC,DC will help when too small is not necessary. Of course employing multi-cpu and use multi-thread job can make simulation fast dramatically.
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1,298. Activity points. 7,491. Re: SPEED GRADE. The lower the -X the faster the FPGA. The speed is specified in terms of the tpd (pin-to-pin delay) parameter in the FPGA datasheet. This affects the maximum operating frequency of your design in that particular FPGA. Jun 26, 2006. #3.
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You always need the 2 metrics (Test Coverage for SA and TC for Transition faults). TF patterns detect slow-to-rise and slow-to-fall faults while SA pattern detect stuck and open faults. @speed fault testting require 1 launch and 1 captur cyclee to be tested. For @stuckat, 1 capture cycle is often sufficient to detect a fault (unless there are ...
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This sounds as though you want to examine 5 seconds operation of a circuit running at 1 GHz. It's an example of mixing micro and macro events. It becomes mismatched and unwieldy in simulation. (It is not a problem with real electronics, of course.) Consider trying a longer timestep. Also try a slower switching rate in your simulated circuit.
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In the circuit there is a signal coming from FAN which will be go into the circuit and the output of it goes to microcontroller. This signal tell weather the FAN is ON or OFF. basically this signal is used to check if the FAN is in working condition or not. I am just wondering can I give the PWM signal to the FAN to vary the speed of FAN.
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37,988. You need a high speed op amp with some current output capability (at least 100 mA). You also need to protect the varactor from inadvertent burn-out if forward biased. So there are two basic circuits: The single ended rail-to-rail op amp can not blow out the diode with a forward bias, so you can hook it up directly.
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The max. speed depends much of what do you need, and how you will implement it. 500 MHz is not easy to reach, if you have a complex design. You can write a test code and synthesize it to have an idea. I would recommend to have a look on Artix 7 and Kintex 7. But you told no project requirement beside speed (logic? price?)
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If you can post your source and dsn file we'll have a look. Typically this happens when you externally wire a crystal etc. - this introduces an extremely high speed oscillator which bottlenecks the simulation and is completely superfluous anyway. Clock frequency is specified as a property of the microcontroller device.
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I am designing a box that is supposed to calculate vehicle speed (from a hell effect sensor, 4 pulses per revolution) and RPM (from tach input). Both are square waves with max frequency of 300Hz or so (in reality much less). I am wondering what the best way to get the values is (for RPM and speed): to count the pulses or to measure the pulse width.
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VolFM+ / Iio = RdsOn = 400mV / 20 mA = 20 Ohm but this is limited to 3.6V. If you want a buffer with a 5V swing, then most CMOS 5.5V logic is 50 Ohms +/- 33% or so. So you could use 3.3V output from a STM32 port into a 5.5V logic buffer and use 3 or more inverters in parallel to lower the RdsON.
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