What is the difference between"it seems that~" and"it seems like~"?? For example, 1. It seems like Bill is falling in love with Smantha. It seems that Bill is falling in love with Smantha. 2. It seems like you decided against going to the dentist today. It seems that you decided against...
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Oh, I can give you lots, but here are four :"BBC Sport.""Seven-year-old girls think boys cheat and are overly-competitive during PE lessons while boys say girls lack skill, according to research into gender differences in sport" - The Times (of London), 26 March 2015.
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Hello, If a friend is telling you he's going somewhere, you want to ask this question"Where are you going?" briefly, is it okay to ask instead:"Where to?" or"To where?" I think maybe this question can be split into two: 1. Does the question"Where to?" (or"To where?") make sense? 2. If it...
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Questions en espagnol ou en français sur le sens et la traduction d'une langue à l'autre de mots, expressions ou tournures contextualisés . Aucune autre langue autorisée. Preguntas en español o francés sobre el sentido y la traducción de una lengua a otra de palabras, frases o modismos...
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A friend of mine who was hunting a job asked me to be one of her references. So recently, I got this reference form from one of the companies she interviewed. There is this blank"In what capacity have you known the applicant" which I don't quite understand what to put in. Does it refer to...
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Palabras, frases y modismos. Words, phrases and idioms. WordReference.com Language Forums
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I know that some verbs related to emotions can't be in the -ing form (continuous), like : love,hate,prefer.....
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French and English words, phrases and idioms: meaning, translation, usage. Mots, expressions et tournures idiomatiques françaises et anglaises : signification ...
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Preguntas sobre conjugaciones verbales, tiempos gramaticales, adverbios, preposiciones y más. Questions regarding verb tenses, conjugation, adverbs, prepositions and ...
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